Happily Whole

Living well from the inside out

4 Soul-Revolutionizing Ways to Reach Your Resolutions

January 1, 2015, written by katie
Seek a soul revolution instead of a New Year's Resolution this year!


Living well—it’s really a matter of your heart and soul, you know. Because if you really want results, you’ve got to DO differently every day with some discipline. And to behave diligently and differently you’ve got to start with your heart. You can white knuckle your wants and wish old habits away for only so long until the honeymoon ends you’re right back to where you began.

You see, your words and actions all well up in your heart before they spill from your mouth and hands. And what’s in your heart is hanging right from your soul. So instead of looking to the social scene, you need a soul-start.

The seat of the soul is always the best place to start when you dare to really live well. So let the Savior soothe you as you embark on any kind of change because we all know how real change takes time and, well, can cause pain as you’re carved out into something new.

Stick with me and we’ll work at wellness as a transformation of the heart. Go ahead, read what’ll make our approach work. I’ll explore each of these further in the coming weeks and we’ll all stay on track together:

1. ~Seek His wisdom in all your ways and, yeah, especially in your resolutions. Consult Him when you make choices to change, when you feel weary and as you approach new habits. When He’s in your change, you’re not taking a chance! After all, if you’re changing your life, don’t you want Him guiding it?  

2. ~Surrender your soul's desires to His calling so your soul can finally feel its worth. Let that word, ‘surrender’, sink into your mind and soul. You’ll realize how much you’re worth and how much you’re loved when you surrender yourself to Him every day. There’s no such thing as starting all over when you realize His mercies start new every single morning.

3. ~Feel gratitude for what IS instead of guilt for what IS NOT. As women, don’t we have a tendency to beat ourselves up when we cannot accomplish what the world tells us we should? Well, I say that we are all created uniquely and when we focus on giving thanks for who we ARE RIGHT NOW, we begin to change from the inside out! Gratitude is not only powerful…it’s essential.

4. ~Remain disciplined in living authentically rather than determined to perfection aesthetically. Yes, self-discipline is most certainly a virtue. But it’s not always about surface-level pursuits or self-reliant practices. And it’s not always all or nothing. Instead, it’s one step at a time. We can rest when we ask for His help and follow His ways.

So, there it is: The 2015 living well from the inside out plan! The soul-start to changing from the heart.

What do you think of taking a soul-start? Are you ready for some real change?

Happily Whole Members will receive all of this plus a more concrete, very specific list of ‘to dos’ for really living well. I’ll include easy steps to eating clean and lists of convenient snacking and meal options, creating fitness routines that really work and continually making wellness mean more than battling your weaknesses. But, we will always stand on and be driven by those principals listed above. So, if you’re not a Member yet, please consider joining the community!



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