Hear the whole presentation. LINK: The Christmas Spirit Presentation
No where I'd rather be. That's what I told the room full of women I spoke to from this stage. I talked about keeping joy in my life, in OUR lives, during difficult season...during ANY season. I shared how, the Christmas season is chalk full of contradictions....
- How the world whirls so fast yet we are called to slow to savor the coming of our Savior.
- How the culture will coral us if we're not careful to prepare our hearts for the only life that ever saved us, Christ.
- How our lives biggest blessings so often come wrapped in boxes disguised as our biggest challenges.
Then I went home and wept. Wept for joy and out of humility because God blessed me so beautifully. I have a story to tell, one He's been writing in my heart all my life, carving me and molding me.
And now, His Christmas story comes up alongside mine as I wait in anxious anticipation for the coming of Christ.
And I realized again, I have hope.
It started in a manger.
So, yeah, just be right where you are. Because there's no where you'd rather be than where He is writing His story on the stage of your life.
More readings about Advent and Christmas time...as we prepare:
8 Ways to Immerse Yourself in Advent